Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Trickle Down

Another day, another Ebola victim. I hate to be fixated on this health crisis, but I am. No, I'm not glued to CNN for 24-hour Ebola updates, but I am concerned about the nurses in Texas and the spread of disease. I keep wondering how many people will be affected by this trickle down epidemic before it's under control. I don't know what the hell went on at that hospital in Texas, but I certainly hope that the place has some serious changes instituted as a result of this mess. What I can't understand is how hospital staff contracted Ebola when Duncan's family members seem to be Ebola-free. Duncan's family members were stuck in a two-bedroom apartment with him during the start of his illness, yet I haven't heard that any of them have come become ill. Was he not at the most contagious period in his illness when he was still at home and that's why the family members didn't contract Ebola? I find it hard to believe that the sanitary standards at Duncan's family's apartment were better than those at the hospital.

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