Saturday, May 24, 2014

Too Much Testosterone

I witnessed two guys get into an altercation this evening and the whole thing was kind of frightening. One guy was on a bicycle that had some kind of wagon-like contraption attached to the back of it. The bicycle guy was crossing an intersection and a guy driving a car crossed the intersection and nearly hit the bicycle guy...nearly. Thankfully, the car didn't hit the cyclist. The cyclist was angry with the driver and yelled at the driver before purposely backing his bicycle contraption into the driver's door. This caused the driver to become enraged and chase the cyclist down the street. At one point, the passenger in the car got out and started chasing the cyclist on foot. The cyclist had been riding with a woman who was begging him to just stop making the situation worse than it was, but he ignored her. The three guys (the cyclist, the driver, and the passenger on foot) all took off down the street. The entire situation was just an example of two guys letting their anger control them. Everyone needed to just walk (or ride) away from the situation, yet no one did. Too much testosterone was flowing, I guess.

In an unrelated matter, I'm so annoyed that I won't be able to see The Normal Heart on HBO tomorrow night. I don't have HBO. However, my father is visiting this weekend and staying in a hotel that does have HBO. I really want to take over his hotel room TV tomorrow night so I can see The Normal Heart, but that isn't going to happen and there's no way he's going to sit up with me so we can watch it together. "Hey, Daddy, let's watch this cable movie about the AIDS crisis in the 1980s! It's got gay sex and everything!" Yeah. No. (Sigh.) I guess I'll have to wait for it to (hopefully) come out on DVD so I can get it on Netflix or check myself into a hotel that has HBO.

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