Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Per the Internet, My Babies Are Not Cute

As most of us know, the Internet is pretty much an essential part of our daily lives now. So, for all of the good information and helpful services provided via the World Wide Web, there's also a lot of anger and hate out there to be posted and shared. My current beef with the Interwebs is with the low rankings of some of my books on Goodreads. I normally don't even bother reading reviews anywhere, but I clicked over to see the ratings for two of my books and they both were around two stars. Oy! I didn't read any written views because, frankly, seeing the low starred ratings was enough of a letdown. However, I am a big girl and I know that when you put your work out there for the public, you have to take the good and the bad. If you didn't want people to judge your work, you wouldn't put your work on display. I review many books I've read myself on Goodreads and Amazon and while I do try not to be particularly nasty, I do write what I think: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Still, when you work hard and put out a product that you're proud of and someone comes along and shits on it, it's hard not to be annoyed. It's like someone saying your baby is ugly. If someone doesn't like my work (aka my baby), I feel like screaming, "But I birthed that baby and I love that baby! Why don't you love it, too???" But we're all different people who like different things, so I guess we have to agree to disagree.

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