I didn't realize COVID vaccine envy was a thing until my sister used the expression and then I realized I have vaccine envy myself. Where's my vaccine? I'm envious of those who have gotten one or two shots already. I haven't been vaccinated yet because I don't qualify...yet in my state. I'm old, but not old enough to get my shots. Things are supposed to open up next month for people over the age of 16, so maybe I'll get an appointment then. I heard a doctor on WGN here in the Chicago area say that states that have lowered the vaccination age ahead of Illinois (states like neighboring Indiana) have done so because they had fewer people come forward to get shots. I don't know if I buy that. I just think Illinois is falling behind and those other states have their shit together. Even the city where I live is slow to get the seniors here vaccinated. Because we have our own health department, our city citizens hadn't been able to get shots elsewhere in the state. (I think that restriction is changing.) Our mayor keeps saying we're not getting our fair share of vaccines. Okay. Then he should be on the news weekly complaining to the powers that be about our lack of vaccines. Yet, he isn't. Maybe because he won't be the mayor in another couple of months, so he doesn't feel the need to try harder to get our citizens what we need. I guess he'll leave the complaining to the next mayor to handle.
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