Monday, March 8, 2021

Tell Me Something I Don't Know

So much media attention is out there about Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah. My sister emailed me this morning and asked if I had watched it. I told her no, I had not...and that was a hard "no" for me. I can't care enough about the British Royal Family (BRF) to spend a few hours hearing about their escapades, but I read about the interview online. I will say that nothing I heard really surprised me. I am surprised that a lot of people are focusing on how someone in the BRF expressed concern about Archie's skin color. Is this really a surprise to people? Apparently. Of course that kid's skin color was going to cause a lot of hand-wringing. That's exactly the kind of thing the BRF would get hung up. These folks are so concerned about how things look. These same folks, many of whom are truly awful, had no problem denigrating the mixed American woman who dared to marry into their family. Please. One of Queen's kids was hanging out with a known molester and another one told a woman he wanted to be her tampon, yet these folks are supposed to be looked up to as members of the British monarchy? Yeah, whatever. I'm glad I'm an American.

However, I don't think Meghan and Harry are innocent victims here either. When she married him, I remember telling people that there wasn't enough love in the world to make me give up my life like that. Meghan was in her mid-30s when she married Harry. How do you go from living your own life as an independent woman to being told by others how to dress, what to say, how to be? But she knew that going in and now she and her husband want to complain about it. I also feel like Meghan was incredibly naïve about how she would be treated by the British people and the British press. I think she had lived her life largely as a white (or white-adjacent) woman and got a rude awakening when she was treated was treated like a common Negro overseas. She had to learn the hard way just what kind of folks she was dealing with. I do hope she and Harry are happy and able to live their lives and raise their kids as they see fit.

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