I did a post a week or so ago arguing against having states like Iowa and New Hampshire be the at the forefront of the presidential candidate race because neither state represents the country in terms of racial, religious, whatever demographics. With all of the shenanigans going on now after the debacle that was the Iowa Caucuses, the powers that be need to get moving and make sure the state of Iowa isn't the front runner in the next election cycle. The demographics issue alone should be enough to make the political committees decide to take both Iowa and New Hampshire out of their lead spots, but now with the caucus issues, there's even more reason to move on from Iowa in particular. I disagree with caucusing anyway. What happened to casting your ballet anonymously? All of that goes out the window when you have to declare your vote in a public forum.
In other news, is anyone really surprised that Donny T. lives to ride another day? Did anyone really think he was on his way out of office? Come on. The only way to get rid of him at this point is to vote him out. The mere thought of spending another four years dealing with this guy's juvenile behavior, ridiculous tweets, and overwhelming idiocy is enough to make me run, not walk, to the polls on election day. I saw a survey today that claimed only 61 percent (or something like that) of people intended to vote in the next election. That number seems ridiculously low, especially given the situation the country is in right now. I shouldn't be surprised but I am surprised that the number isn't higher. I know better than to trust pollsters in this day and age, but this poll does leave me concerned. Are people that apathetic? I know it's hard to believe in democracy these days, but we need to keep hope alive. Now more than ever.
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