Monday, July 15, 2019

Dumb Donny Strikes Again!

After spending a rather laid-back week in California (shout out to the great folks of La Jolla!), I had to come back to reality and back to more foolishness from dumb Donny T. Go back to where you came from? Uh....Michigan? Detroit?  Pressley really should have come back on him hard. If it had been me, I would've gone with, "My parents, my grandparents, their parents are all from the United States. You can't say that. I'm more American than you are!" I'm so tired of him and his bullshit and I wish someone would call him out as the human garbage that he is. And I'm tired of people claiming he's not racist. Do some research and read about how he and his father were sued by the government for discriminating against blacks who tired to reside in their buildings in New York in the 1970's. This has been going on for a long time, folks.

Anyway, I'll try to focus on something more zen like California...

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