Friday, March 15, 2019

Tough Trip

I went to New York briefly this week for my day job and had an awful time. No time to do anything fun, no shows, no nothing. Just work and a lot of walking that caused me to have to buy new shoes while I was there because the footwear I'd worn wasn't adequate. I normally enjoy going back to New York, but not this time. My issues had nothing to do with the city itself; I was just too stressed about other things to truly have a good time. Then the bad weather in Chicago yesterday delayed my flight home. Oy! It was a tough trip and I'm glad to be back home.

In other news, are people really surprised about the college cheating scandal? I heard about this while I was in NY earlier this week. Do people really not understand how the world works??? Rich kids have been getting a leg up to go to the best colleges since...forever??? (Yet people, including some who worked the system for their own kids, complain about affirmative action. Give me a break!) For anyone who really thought only the best and the brightest were going to the best colleges my advice is this: you need to get out more.

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