Thursday, March 21, 2019

Comfort Shoes

In my last blog post, I wrote about having to buy shoes last week in NY because the ones I'd worn weren't cutting it. (And the ones I'd worn were okay for walking, but not NYC walking.) As I get older, my feet seem to be aging at an even faster rate. I never used to have foot problems and now I seem to have them all the time. From plantar fasciitis to plain old (I suspect) arthritis, my feet are in pain much more than they used to be. I no longer wear heels or any other shoes that aren't comfortable. My feet can't take it! I need shoes that I can walk in without feeling like I need to sit down after half an hour. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before I go full orthopedic in the shoe department. Oy! I'm not a senior, but my feet feel like they're ready to apply for Medicare.

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