Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Lifespan of a Fact

I had a brief trip (as they usually are) to New York for my day job last week and had the chance to see the play The Lifespan of a Fact at Studio 54 Thursday night. The play was really great and the three actors (Bobby Cannavale, Cherry Jones, and Daniel Radcliffe) were all great in it. The play is about an intern (Radcliffe) hired to fact check an article written by Cannavale and Jones is the publisher who puts the two men together. It's a fascinating look at how poetic license in non-fiction writing is becoming extinct. You can't say "On the night of September 9, 2018, a light rain was falling over Montgomery, Alabama" if that wasn't really the case. With the Internet now, anyone can fact check you and find out if skies were indeed clear the night of September 8, 2018, in Montgomery, Alabama. Then, suddenly, everything else written comes into question. I went to the play mainly to see Bobby Cannavale. He's a great actor and terribly underrated (in my opinion). I suspect most people came out to see the Harry Potter wizard boy (I know he's a grown man now) and he was great also, but I hope Cannavale and Jones get their props too. If you're in NYC during this run, try to check out the play. It's very good and I'm glad I got the chance to see it.

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