Thursday, December 1, 2016

Consequences and Repercussions

I read today that Kellogg's is pulling its advertising from a bigoted, racist, sexist, (insert word here)-ist site (that shall remain nameless here because I'm not giving them any more publicity than they already have) and now the site's creators and others who love the site and worship at the feet of its leader are on the rampage, calling for people to boycott the cereal chain. How dare Kellogg's pack up and take their advertising dollars elsewhere? How dare they not advertise on a website that consistently belittles racial minorities, women, gays, and anyone who isn't a straight, white, Christian man? I say, good for Kellogg's! The company has the right to advertise wherever it sees fit and pull its advertising when it sees fit. Apparently the geniuses at the offending website don't understand how free speech works. Everyone always wants to jump up and scream about free speech, but these same folks don't seem to understand that there are consequences and repercussions to free speech. Sure, you can say what you want, but be prepared for blowback to your business, your career, your life, etc. when you choose to use your free speech platform to denigrate others. Hitting bigots where they live (in the pocketbook) is a good way to shut them down. You can't keep a bigoted website going with no advertising cashflow. Well, maybe they can get some wealthy donors from the incoming administration to float them a few bucks to make up for the advertising losses from Kellogg's and other businesses that have chosen to advertise elsewhere. Hearing the news about Kellogg's made me go out and buy a new box of Crispix today. (I was running low anyway.)

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