Saturday, October 11, 2014

Brown Apples

I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about genetically modified apples that wouldn't turn brown as apples normally do after being exposed to the air. As much as I don't like the idea of having Frankenfruit, I hate brown apples even more. I know they're still good to eat even if they turn brown, but a brown apple is just not appealing to me. That's why I hurry up and eat one before it turns or I get those pre-sliced apples that have been treated with lemon juice or whatever so they don't turn brown so fast. I am one of those freaks who don't want flawed fruits or vegetables. A grape has a spot on it? I won't eat it. An orange is bruised? Ugh. I don't want it. (Consequently, I don't eat a lot of fruit although I should.) I prefer perfect fruits and veggies. I love the pre-packaged orange slices from Dole that cost far too much and frozen vegetables. Damaged food is just not my thing so you'd never find me Dumpster diving for grub. But genetically modified and overprocessed foods are scary to think about. What, exactly, are we eating when we eat that stuff? Maybe it's better not to think about it. But, given the choice, would I go for the brown apple or the genetically modified non-brown one? Sadly, I'd probably choose the Frankenfruit, created in a lab by some scientist.

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