Friday, December 20, 2013


Since I have blogged about Duck Dynasty in the past and how I enjoyed the show (at least the first season--I admit I haven't watched lately), I felt I had to say something about Phil Robertson's comments in the January 2014 GQ interview. I find the media firestorm over this totally ridiculous. Is anyone really surprised he feels the way he does? I'm not! It doesn't take an Einstein to see what the Duck Dynasty patriarch is about if you watch the show. My surprise is that A&E is acting like they're shocked over Phil's comments. That network has pimped those hillbillies (and they pimped the network right back) for a lot of change and now they're surprised one of them has ignorant views on blacks and gays? Really? Come on! A&E knew exactly what they were dealing with. They chose to give America a whitewashed version of Phil and the rest of the DD family but once the cameras were off, the real Phil emerged. And, as for Phil, he needs to learn when you start making that kind of money for a network, they own your ass and if you don't tow the party line, you'll be out on your ass. This is about money, my friends, plain and simple.  If A&E thinks they can keep their sponsors and continue to make money on the Robertsons, I'm sure they'll welcome Phil back. If not, some other network will scoop them up and let the dynasty continue.

And, speaking of money, the Target credit and debit card breach is awful. I went to a Target but, thankfully, not during the time period in question. Whew! I just squeaked away from that hot mess. My question is why did someone else have to break news of the breach? Target should be have been out in front of this thing, yet they were lagging behind. I suspect their reluctance to jump on this had to do with...wait for! They didn't want to lose business during this holiday season and they didn't want those customers to have their credit and debit cards shut down.

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