Monday, October 28, 2013

Duct Taped!

The apartment below mine has been leaking for a while and the super discovered that the cause was a leak in a pipe behind my toilet. So, maintenance was called to fix the problem today. Several wall tiles behind my toilet were removed to get to the leaking pipe. Unfortunately, those tiles were not replaced. Instead, a piece of cardboard was duct taped to the wall to cover the missing tiles. Because I'm moving next month, the landlord has decided to renovate my bathroom for the new tenant, so I'm forced to live with duct tape and cardboard until I move at the end of next month. Sad! I just want to make sure I'm not penalized for this shoddy repair job and I'm taking steps to try and make sure that doesn't happen. I just want everyone to be on the same page. Hey, I didn't knock tiles out and fail to replace them so I don't want to be responsible for the work (or lack thereof) that was done. I don't want my security deposit taken because of these repairs. Even though the super assured me I wouldn't be responsible, I want something in writing from the management company that states this.  I've got pictures and I'm documenting everything. I hate to be so paranoid, but I don't believe in being stupid either. Taking someone's word for something often won't stand up in court.

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