Friday, June 12, 2020

YOU Be the Change!

With everyone jumping on the bandwagon for justice these days following George Floyd's death, I wasn't surprised that one of the corporate honchos on my day job encouraged employees like myself to "be the change." Huh? My response to that was, "YOU be the change!" There are people, including this guy, who sit back and allow an old boys' network to spread like wildfire and run rampant in some areas of the company, yet they tell employees like myself , who have virtually no power, to "be the change." How about instituting some change in the E suite? How about encouraging some of your company buddies to hire a more diverse staff or, better yet, showing some of these geezers the door so a more diverse workforce can be hired in their place?

It annoys me to see companies turn a blind eye to real problems in their businesses while spitting out granola-crunchy platitudes like "be the change" or saying that black lives matter when they've got no blacks in power positions at their organizations.

Don't tell ME to be the change. YOU be the change!

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