I've been watching Instant Hotel on Netflix and I've been enjoying it. I just started the second season today. Watching Australians compete for best Airbnb is entertaining. As someone who will probably never get to see Australia in person (because I can't take that flight), I enjoy seeing the different cities shown on the show. There's the usual reality show foolishness with mean competitors and backstabbing, but at least there's an actual competition going on around all of that and you get to see what kind of accommodations are offered in different Australian locations. The first part of the first season featured a "fussy" gay couple who, to me, were Datalounge posters personified. Hilarious, but so judgmental and bitchy about almost everything. They make for good TV.
In the second season, I had to shake my head at a married couple where the husband is about 30 years older than his wife. He's in his 70s and she's in her 40s. She caters to this guy and waits on him like a nursemaid. She serves him breakfast in bed, she prepares his meals, she does everything for him. (And it's not like he's disabled or too elderly to do these things himself.) Watching them reminded me of a time I was at a McDonald's one time during a road trip either to or from Michigan. I watched this old guy sit down at a table and wait for his wife to bring their food from the counter. When the wife came, the husband sat there and waited for her to wipe the table down and put his food in front of him before he ate. Why couldn't he have wiped the table down himself while his wife was at the counter getting the food? Because, apparently, that's her job, not his. Whatever, folks. Your marriage, your rules, I guess.
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