Saturday, November 6, 2021

Only the Strong

I've been on a Journey kick over the past week and had to break out my Journey's Greatest Hits CD (shown below that I got for a whopping $6.99 from Street Corner Music many many years ago). Journey was such an 80's band, but I love them and their music still holds up for me (but I'm a 70's and 80s' kid, so I'm biased). Everyone loves to praise "Don't Stop Believin'" as the ultimate Journey song, but that one was seriously overplayed for me. (I also cringe whenever Steve Perry sings about the kid who was "born and raised in South Detroit" in that song. South Detroit doesn't exist, Steve! Southwest Detroit would be acceptable, but I digress.) Not that I don't like "Don't Stop," but I've heard it too many times throughout my life to want to hear it again. Instead, I'm a fan of songs like "Lights," "Send Her My Love," and "Only the Young." I love "Only the Young" and I just recently realized I've been singing the wrong lyrics for that song. I thought for sure Steve Perry was saying, "Brave carry on / Only the strong" and I found out, just this week, that he's saying "Brave carry on / Bold and the strong." Huh! I've been singing the wrong words for decades! You really do learn something every day, don't you? In addition to singing the wrong lyrics, I'd totally forgotten this song was featured in the 80's movie Vision Quest starring a young Matthew Modine. I'd forgotten about that movie and that this song was in it. I watched the video on You Tube earlier this week and now I feel like I'd like to see the movie again. It's available on Prime now. I might have to check it out. I remember Madonna being in the movie (in one of her first movie rolls) as a singer doing "Crazy for You", but I totally forgot "Only the Young" was on that soundtrack too. 

Journey's music is so quintessential American 80's music and I get nostalgic for that time period sometimes. Things certainly weren't perfect, but I like to think they were pretty darn good. Being a teenager in the 1980s, all things considered, wasn't a bad deal. There was a certain freedom in being a kid during that time that the kids today don't have. 

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