As I get older, I often look back on stuff I liked when I was younger but don't like now. For example, I remember really liking the music of the Counting Crows back in the 90s. But now? Not so much. Mr. Jones? Round Here? The Rain King? Ugh. Yuck. No bueno. I also used to eat Fig Newtons when I was a kid, but you couldn't get me to choke one down now. Campbell's tomato soup, vanilla wafers, sugary cereal like Honeycombs and Sugar Smacks: I ate it all and now I couldn't imagine eating any of that stuff. I also used to enjoy watching Sex and the City. I even had one or two seasons on DVD. But now? Not my bag, baby. I doubt I could get through one episode without rolling my eyes. It's just not something that appeals to me now. When I was younger, I enjoyed the show, but now it just seems ridiculous and tone-deaf. Having lived in New York for a few years, I know how hard it is to maintain a living there when you don't make a six-figure salary. It's not easy and it's certainly nothing like SATC.
Things change. Views change. Tastes change. I still love many things I loved when I was younger (like 70s music, 80s music, and the New Zoo Revue), but there's a lot of stuff that I've moved on from.
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