Sunday, August 16, 2020


 I checked a book out from the library last week and was annoyed to see that someone had gone through the pages and added little pencil marks and comments. People who deface library books should be locked up. If you want to write in a book, make sure you own that book. I spent time yesterday morning erasing the previous reader's marks from the book because I found them distracting and annoying. (The person's written comments were also stupid.) Thankfully, the book isn't big, so it didn't take me that long to erase  this person's mess. Thank God the jerk wrote in pencil and not pen.

When I was in college, I used to buy used books when I could because (A) they were cheaper than new books and (B) I was broke. I had to deal with someone else's highlighting and marks. But the people who marked those books had purchased them and I knew what I was getting into when I bought those books. No one was marking up a book that didn't belong to them. You don't own library books, so you shouldn't be writing in them. What is wrong with people? Defacing library books is like littering: nasty and totally unnecessary. Throw your trash in a garbage can! Also, get off my lawn! 

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