I feel like the days are all running into each other. When you're confined to your home, Monday feels like Tuesday and Tuesday feels like Wednesday. The weekends go by and they don't feel like weekends. I've been trying to get out most days for a walk just to get out of the house and breathe some fresh air. Plus, I could use the exercise because I'm certainly not getting it any other way. The Y is closed for business right now. We all adjust and do the best we can with what we have. After an exhaustive search, I finally got some toilet paper. Yea! Sam's Club had some and I was glad to be able to buy a pack. I was down to my last two rolls and the panic was setting in! I split my bounty with my sister. Sam's was limiting people (thankfully) to just one pack per customer. Over the weekend, a local Citgo station was selling a small 4-pack for $7.99 plus tax! I reported them to the Illinois Attorney General's office for price gouging. Eight dollars for a dollar-store pack of toilet paper was ridiculous. This wasn't Charmin or Angel Soft, folks! Ridiculous. I can't believe how some businesses are trying to take advantage of people at a time like this. People are out of work. They can't afford $8 toilet paper!
And what's with all of these celebrities and NBA players getting tested for COVID-19 when normal folks and health professionals can't get tests? Ridiculous again! Our society has problems. I know the playing field isn't level, but this kind of stuff really needs to stop given what the country is going through right now. The people who need to be tested should be tested ahead of celebrities and athletes who can certainly wait.
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