So much news this week. Let's dig in!
1. So Gawker is dead. I can't say I'm surprised by its demise. I've blogged about the whole Gawker/Hulk Hogan debacle so I won't rehash that. But I will say I don't understand why Gawker's founder Nick Denton is blaming Peter Thiel for his media site's demise. Thiel only funded Hogan's defense. He didn't find Denton guilty. A Florida jury found him guilty/liable/whatever. Denton's editor who took the stand didn't do him any favors either. If Denton wants to blame anyone he should start with that editor and then do some serious self-reflection. I've said it before and I'll say it again: there are no winners here. Denton, Hogan, Thiel are all no bueno for various reasons. However, does Hogan not deserve to have the best defense Thiel was willing to pay for?
2. LochteGate. Oy! This whole Ryan Lochte thing has been quite entertaining to read about. I'm sure it's been a nightmare for the people involved but for me, it's like a train wreck I can't turn away from. Lochte is such a d-bag for snowballing this thing into an international incident. If he had simply kept his mouth shut instead of crying to his mother that he was robbed or at least waited until he and the other athletes had returned to the US before shooting his mouth off, this whole "incident" wouldn't have made the headlines it did. I can't believe the people who are defending Lochte et al as "kids." Kids? Lochte is a grown-assed man! He's 32 years old! Yes, the other swimmers involved are younger, but they're not teenagers either. People need to show some personal responsibility. I said yesterday I do believe the swimmers were shaken down for cash at that gas station, but I'm sure none of them expected for the Brazilian government to come after them as a result of giving up some money to some fake cops. The guy who was fined more than $10K should go straight to Lochte and say, "Jeah, douche, you owe me $10K." If there were medals for douchebaggery, Lochte would win the gold, hands down.
3. Mr. Robot. What the hell is going on with this show? Are they pulling a Bobby Ewing in the shower thing (Dallas, for those of you too young to remember) where everything that has happened was all a dream? And where's Tyrell? That Swede is one of the few reasons I'm still tuning in to this hot mess of a show right now. He'd better not be dead.
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