Thursday, May 26, 2016

Make It Ugly, Take It Ugly

I read this expression on Datalounge today in relation to the on-going Gawker/Hulk Hogan lawsuit and it really sums up the whole sordid situation, but it's also a great expression to use now that Trump has secured the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination. I've said it before and I'll say it again: a Presidential race between Trump and Clinton (really, Trump and anyone) will be nasty, nasty, nasty. The rules of civility go right out the window and Clinton had better get ready to get dirty. All of this talk of rising above the insults and ignoring them is ridiculous. How did taking the high road work out for Bush, Rubio, Cruz, and the others? Not so good.

I read an article in the National Review where the writer begged Mitt Romney to get into the race. Why? So he can lose the nomination a third time? Get real. Speaking of Mittens, I thought about him as I passed by a Papa John's pizza place on the way home from work today. Remember when he used the founder of Papa John's as an example of how a small businessman could have great success during one of his failed campaigns? All the Papa John's founder did was ask his dad for a $10,000 loan so he could start his business. Dad forked over the cash, and the rest was history! Don't you see? The American Dream is possible, folks! Yeah, how many people have a parent ready, willing, and able to give them $10,000 to start a business? I'm just going to take a wild guess and say not many. I'm sure there are more people who can't get a $10K loan from their parents than those who can.

I really believe a lot of these politicos who live in the Beltway or in some bubble of society that keeps them away from the rest of the world are delusional and that goes for people within both political parties. I see the same kind of cluelessness and arrogance when I watch political shows like "Morning Joe." The people on these shows are so far removed from the everyday existence of the masses that they can't even fake their way through understanding what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck or survive on a fixed income.

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