Saturday, March 12, 2016

National Conversation???

Hillary Clinton said yesterday at Nancy Reagan's funeral that Ronald and Nancy Reagan started a "national conversation" on AIDS in the 1980s. It must have been a silent conversation. Despite the fact that I was only 10-19 years old during the 1980s, even I know how the Reagan administration ignored the AIDS crisis during the 1980s. Hell, anyone can read about this or see the excellent documentary We Were Here to learn more about that era and how activists had to fight tooth and nail just to get the AIDS crisis into the national conversation. Hillary later released a statement that she'd "misspoke" yesterday but does she really think anyone believes that? Hillary Clinton surely had prepared remarks for the funeral. She's not someone to speak off the cuff particularly not at a huge event like a former first lady's funeral. I'm no fan of Hills as it is but this supposed misstep may have cost her one vote in Illinois next Tuesday. I've been preparing myself to hold my nose and vote for her, but maybe I ought to throw a vote to Bernie "white people don't know what it's like to be poor/black folks live in the ghetto" Sanders. I'm used to Republican candidates having diarrhea of the mouth, but the illness seems to be spreading to the Democrats this election season. Get it together, folks.

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