Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hollywood Nonsense

I just finished watching the movie Prisoners with Hugh Jackman this morning. What a load of nonsense. First, it was too long, clocking in at about 2.5 hours. Second, it had a bunch of scenes that didn't seem to make sense. What was the deal with the dude in the priest's basement? What were those necklaces with the mazes on them about? Were these guys part of some secret society? Third, the casting was all wrong. In what world would Hugh Jackman and Terrance Howard's characters be friends? And not just casual acquaintance friends who lived in the same neighborhood. These folks were having Thanksgiving dinner together! Aside from the obvious racial differences, Hugh's family was clearly on the downslope of the middle class. He had his own business that wasn't doing well. Terrance seemed to be doing better financially. His house sure looked a lot nicer than Hugh's. I say all of this not to say that people of different races and economic backgrounds can't be friends, but I found the setup hard to believe in Prisoners. The casting of this movie was ridiculous on so many levels. I'm supposed to believe that Terrance Howard and Viola Davis were the parents of two bi-racial-looking daughters, one of whom looked partly Asian? Yeah, okay. And Jake Gyllenhaal as a tough cop who constantly curses at his boss? Sure, that's totally believable. I think these Hollywood executives figure if they just put some high-profile actors in a movie, the masses will come and often they do. Oh well. On to the next Netflix film.

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