So a NY Supreme Court judge overturned Bloomberg's ban on big soda pop that was supposed to go into effect tomorrow. Rock on, Judge Tingling! This judge realized that the ban was so subjective and half-assed that it wouldn't really do anything to reduce obesity. How can you ban a big sized Coke at McDonald's while ignoring some caramel-whip cream topped drink from Starbucks? It makes no sense! Some of those coffee drinks have just as much sugar and calories as a soft drink, yet they weren't banned because you can add your own sugar to coffee drinks. Right.
Yes, Americans have a weight problem. I would like to drop some pounds myself (and I'm working to do that), but banning large soft drinks won't stop the problem. People have to take control of their own lives. Bloomberg should focus on doing something meaningful in his last term. Kids graduate from NY public schools not being able to read or write. What is he doing about that? Rents are out of control in the city. What is he doing about helping to get some affordable housing around here? Instead, he's too busy worrying about how much Coke someone is drinking. Sad.
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