Saturday, May 20, 2023

Make it Stop!

As I've said in previous posts, I'm trying not to watch too much TV these days because all of that TV time is cutting into my time for reading and writing. I work a day job and, after that job ends, I find myself watching television. One of the annoying things about watching television (that's not on a subscription platform like Netflix) is the number of annoying commercials you have to sit through (or flip from). I swear, if I see another commercial for Shriner's Hospital (sorry kids), Lume butt crack/underboob/underarm/foot deordorant, or some chick singing about how she's got a heart like a truck, I'm going to lose it. I understand advertisers need to advertise, but do the commericals have to be so long and annoying? And any commercials advertising for "low T" products automatically triggers the mute button for me. The same goes for the Shriner's kids. (Sorry, not sorry Alex and Caleb!) Jesus, make it stop.

In addition to trying to cut my TV viewing time, I'm also taking German lessons. Why, you ask? Because I'd like to go to Germany next year, Berlin to be exact. I'm going to try and make that happen. But, in the meantime, I want to learn some basic German. I'm not trying to be fluent (because that's not happening), but I want to learn how to introduce myself, say where I'm from, and understand a little of the language. It's a hard language to learn. Any language is hard to learn when you're older, but I'm giving it a shot. I realize many Germans speak English, but I still want to try to speak and understand their native tongue in the event that I actually do get there next year. Fourteen weeks and twelve more weeks to go! 

Guten tag! 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Read a Book? Not in Florida!

I just read an article about certain school textbooks being rejected for use in Florida public schools over supposedly objectionable material (mainly dealing with racial issues). Because I don't live in Florida or have any kids in that school system, I don't have a dog in this fight but, as a writer, I'm annoyed with this push to ban books or remove material that the governor and his minions find objectionable because it doesn't jibe with their personal, conservative beliefs. Another ridiculous DeSantis fight (along with sparring with Mickey Mouse). This guy is such a flake. God help us all if he rises to an even higher political title in this country. Just when I thought Donny T was the worse of the worst, here comes Rhonda in the race to give him a run for his money. Ugh.

Well, I guess if school kids in Florida can't read about civil rights issues, racial equality, and the LGBTQ+ community in school, the Internet is always available to try and get some information on your own (if you can navigate through the garbage).