I know I'm late to the game in watching Baby Reindeer, which I did over last week and the past weekend, but I had to post about it now that I've watched the last episode and slept on it. What the fuck did I just watch? Thankfully, I had not read much about the series before I started watching it. I only knew it was about a woman stalking a man and that's it. I had no idea the series also dealt with trans women, rape, grooming, and a whole host of other issues that, in my opinion, made the stalking storyline take a back seat for a while.
My main takeaway from the series is that people need to stop giving mixed signals to others. A lot of the issues in Baby Reindeer came from the main character, Donny Dunn, not being honest with people about what he wanted and how he felt. If he had been up front with Martha about being bothered by her behavior from the start rather than acting wishy-washy and pseudo-sympathetic, maybe he could have stopped the stalking before it really got going. Donny also should have been up front with Teri, his trans girlfriend, about the shame he felt in being with her publicly. If you can't have an honest relationship with your partner, then maybe you're not meant to have a relationship at all with that person. And the whole situation with Donny and Darrien was awful on so many levels. Why do you keep going back to your abuser when you know you're being abused? Are you getting something out of the abuse? I know Donny was hoping for Darrien to help his career but, at some point, he realized that wasn't going to happen, yet he kept going to Darrien. Dude, get it together and have some self-respect!
I thought the mixed signals and lack of communication issues throughout Baby Reindeer were a generational thing. Young folks lately (and not all of them, I know), seem to be unable or unwilling to verbalize their feelings and, as a result, you get a lot of wishy-washy responses (if you get a response at all) or reactions that aren't clear to interpret. Maybe these folks are better able to express themselves online and any face-to-face communication suffers as a result. I don't know, but I keep seeing this kind of thing on TV, in movies, and in real life.
While Baby Reindeer was entertaining and made me go through a range of emotions while watching it (and I couldn't watch more than one episode at a time), this is not something I'd watch again. Donny largely annoyed me because he was such a man-child who didn't handle his business. He needed to get his shit together ASAP and quit crying to his ex, her mother, his parents, Teri, etc. about his sad life. And his stand-up routine was garbage. Ugh. How did this guy even get any comedy gigs with his awful one-liners and suitcase of bad props? Terrible!
Is the next season of Squid Game on yet? I need a palate cleanser.